Primary Reasons Why You Need To Open The Corner Of Your Eye

Primary Reasons Why You Need To Open The Corner Of Your Eye

There are several distinct reasons to Open the corner of your eyes (เปิดหางตา, which is a term in Thai), considering cosmetic and functional, also can be surgical and non-surgical. Let us see some reasons, which are mentioned below:

·       Cosmatic Purpose:

Adjusting eye corners for cosmetic purposes can achieve multiple aesthetic goals, including creating the impression of larger and more prominent eyes while adding to a lifted or almond-shaped appearance.

Procedures designed to open eye corners address concerns like hooded eyelids or perceived “closedness,” providing a refreshed appearance.

In certain Asian cultures, double eyelid surgery often involves creating a crease, necessitating adjustments to both corners to achieve an open-eyed aesthetic; these surgical alterations increase facial symmetry and contribute toward creating an overall harmonious look.

·       Functional Purpose:

Surgery involving eye corners can address both functional and aesthetic concerns associated with eyelid malposition, trauma, or tumor removal. Conditions like ectropion or entropion may impair proper eyelid function; surgery to adjust eye corners ensures correct functioning to protect eyes and maintain tear distribution.

Reconstructive surgery after eye trauma must also restore the natural structures of lids; similarly, tumor removal near the eyes often requires adjustments of eye corners to preserve both functionality and appearance for both functional preservation and aesthetic outcomes; ultimately, these surgeries aim to enhance eye health while an appearance by simultaneously taking into account both functional preservation as well.

What Are The Distinct Surgical And Non-Surgical Techniques?

·       Canthoplasty/Canthopexy:

Regarding reconstructive eye surgeries, canthoplasty involves cutting and repositioning the outer or inner corners. Meanwhile, canthopexy involves performing less invasive procedures that tighten only one corner at a time without any cutting at all.

·       Epicanthoplasty:

Epicanthoplasty is designed to address an epicanthic fold, an upper eyelid skin fold covering the inner corner of your eye that covers its entirety by either reducing or eliminating its presence.

·       Canthotomy And Cantholysis:

Two processes involve opening of the canthus for surgical removal. Cutting and releasing the canthal tendon allows for repositioning the eyelid.

·       Botox Injections And Dermal Fillers:

Botulinum toxin injections can relax the muscles around the eyes, decreasing the appearance of crow’s feet while opening up the eyes and widening vision. Hyaluronic acid fillers can be strategically injected around the eyes to add volume and reduce signs of sagging or drooping.

·       Thread Lift:

This non-invasive technique employs threads to lift and tighten the skin around the eyes, temporarily tightening it.

·       Laser Skin Resurfacing:

When performed correctly, laser skin resurfacing treatments can dramatically enhance skin texture and tighten pores to give you a younger-looking eye area.